Inbox: Find Pending Reminders

Have you been using Inbox by Gmail for some time now? Have you been creating reminders, marking reminders done, using Google Now to create reminders? Do you ever need to find the reminders in Inbox by Gmail that have not been completed?

It's actually very simple to find these. As you can see in the screen shots, just type in the search box "is:reminder -is:done" and you will have all the pending reminders, including recurring.


  1. Loving your work.
    With checking reminders and viewing past reminders, I find it easier to simply click on the 3 bars (top left) then, in the drop down, click reminders and there we have all the relevant reminder information.
    Cool, Eh!

  2. Thanks Clint. Don't forget you can search for reminders to right from the inbox by using is: reminder

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Loving your work.
    With checking reminders and viewing past reminders, I find it easier to simply click on the 3 bars (top left) then, in the drop down, click reminders and there we have all the relevant reminder information.
    Cool, Eh!


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