Gmail: Improved Spam Fighting

Gmail has been very good at detecting Spam and keeping those types of messages out of your Inbox. However, even Gmail admits sometimes the detection is not always accurate. We all have had to go diggining into our Spam folder to find an email we need.

So today, Gmail has introduced Postmaster Tools.  This new tool will help those that send lots of emails to many recipients keep those messages out of the Spam folder.

In addition, for recipients, Gmail spam filters will improve the email experience by using similar machine learning intelligence used in Google Search and Google Now. As written by Sri Harsha Somanchi, Product Manager, at :
  • For starters, the spam filter now uses an artificial neural network to detect and block the especially sneaky spam—the kind that could actually pass for wanted mail.
  • We also recognize that not all inboxes are alike. So while your neighbor may love weekly email newsletters, you may loathe them. With advances in machine learning, the spam filter can now reflect these individual preferences.
  • Finally, the spam filter is better than ever at rooting out email impersonation—that nasty source of most phishing scams. Thanks to new machine learning signals, Gmail can now figure out whether a message actually came from its sender, and keep bogus email at bay.

Hopefully one day, Gmail can provide a Spam free experience, but until then, these types of improvements I am sure will make you all happier.


  1. Thanks for sharing an nice informative about the spam filter service and their process with us in an simple manner.

  2. Thanks for sharing an nice information about the spam filter service i.e spam fighting service with us...


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