Inbox by Gmail: Clear Reminder Attached to Email

I am sure we all know how to attach a reminder to an email so we know why it's important without opening the email itself. You know, pin the email then add the reminder?

After playing around with the reminders attached to emails a little bit, it has come to my attention that marking these particlar emails as Done, does not remove the reminder from the top of the Reminders bundle. My thinking here, and this is only my opinion, is that when you create a basic reminder attached to an email it makes it an open ended reminder with no particular due date.  Similar to Snooze to Someday. Well as you can see here in this video, when I mark the email as done, the reminder remains.  The video shows the entire process of pinning, setting the reminder, marking the email as done, and shows the reminder still remains in the Reminders bundle.

So how do we get rid of the reminder from the Reminders bundle if the email was already marked done. You essentially have two options:

  1. Before marking the email as done, remove the reminder from the email by clicking on the X to the right of the reminder
  2. Find to done email in the Done bundle and remove the reminder from the email by clicking on the  to the right of the reminder

That is all you need to do and the Reminder will no longer show in the Reminders Bundle. For me this is no big deal because I have yet to use the Pin option for any of my emails, but I can recognize the issue for others.
