Inbox by Gmail: Events Bundle

More and more information right at your fingertips in Inbox. Another new automatically created bundle, Events, is one that I am just going to really enjoy. Events bundles are similar to Trips as they will aggregate all the emails related to a specific Event. If you have an Event bundle you will see a calendar icon in the Inbox with the event name, date, time and location.

As emails are automatically added to the bundle, the summary will display the item(s) that have changed as you can see in the images below for the location change and the cancelation. You can then expand the bundle to see the complete history of the event and changes as well as all of the emails associated with that Event.  

This will be very handy for keeping all items related to that event together in one nice little package. Similar to Trips you will be able to delete these Events, without deleting the emails themselves.. You also will not have the ability to schedule when they appear as with other bundles. These changes do not appear to impact current invites and events in Inbox, only for new ones coming in.

I just love how the Inbox team keeps coming at us with such relevant, easy to access information right from our own Inboxes.


  1. Finding the right space for corporate events Chicago is important. Finding the right area is indeed important. Innovative decor and the overall structure account for a strong first-impression on visitors. We must choose a place that is well-connected to transport.

  2. I however don't like them. How can I disable bundled events.

  3. All very well being able to bundle related events, but I want to bundle all calendar events under a calendar bundle and can't seem to do this? Calendar therefore clutters my inbox so I have to go and delete them

  4. All very well being able to bundle an event, but why can't I bundle all of calendar [in one bundle]? It clutters up my inbox and I just have to go and delete them


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